
Did you know that you can use abbreviations for Search?

For example, you can search for System Settings with 'ss' and FaceTime with 'ft'.

You can also change the name of a third party app using Finder, and Applight will automatically reflect the changes.

I want to use Command-Tab for Suggestions

Applight runs in a sandbox and therefore cannot override the system Command-Tab functionality. However, you can use a key mapper to map Command-Tab to fn + Left ⌘ and use it as the Suggestions activation key. Here is an example with Karabiner-Elements:

  1. Make sure that you have set fn + Left ⌘ as the Suggestions activation key.
  2. Install Karabiner-Elements.
  3. Go to Karabiner-Elements > Settings > Complex Modifications.
  4. Click 'Add your own rule' and replace the whole content inside with the following:
  "description": "Map Command-Tab to fn + Left ⌘",
  "manipulators": [
      "from": {
        "key_code": "tab",
        "modifiers": {
          "mandatory": [
      "to": [
          "apple_vendor_top_case_key_code": "keyboard_fn",
          "modifiers": [
      "type": "basic"

The activation key conflicts with global shortcuts of other apps

You can set Left ⌃⌥⇧ as the Search activation key in the settings and use a key mapper to map, for example, Right ⌘ to Left ⌃⌥⇧ so that you can still activate Search with a single key press. Here is an example with Karabiner-Elements:

  1. Install Karabiner-Elements.
  2. Go to Karabiner-Elements > Settings > Complex Modifications.
  3. Click 'Add your own rule' and replace the whole content inside with the following:
  "description": "Map Right ⌘ to Left ⌃⌥⇧",
  "manipulators": [
      "from": {
        "key_code": "right_command"
      "to": [
          "key_code": "left_shift",
          "modifiers": [
      "type": "basic"

The app icon is not shown on the menu bar

macOS hides items on the menu bar when there is not enough space. The menu bar icon is used for opening the settings, which you can still access by opening the app again from Finder.

Need more help or have feedback?

You can email me to get more support. I usually respond within 24 hours :)